Can you believe we are almost at Spring Break? That means the end of the school year is just right around the corner! #timeflies
In 4th Grade, it's exciting because we are finishing our last couple months as OB students, and there's lot going on from here until May 19. So, let's look at a few of those things.
Jefferson City Trip
Thank you for turning in the Jefferson City field trip form and money so quickly. If you haven't done so already it's okay; you have until next Thursday, March 16. If you have any questions about cost you may email me directly. We have our 4 chaperones for the bus - Michael and Matthew's moms, Braylon's grandmother, and Grisham's dad. Parents are welcome to drive and meet us there.
As a reminder, the trip is on Thursday, March 30 (the week we come back from Spring Break). Please arrive at school by 7:30 am. We depart promptly at 8:00 am. We will arrive back at OB at 5:00-5:30.
Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are next week, Tuesday March 14 and Thursday March 16. Everyone has signed up for a conference. will email you a reminder this weekend. If you have questions about your time you may email me directly.
Remember, on Thursday it is an Early Release Day, so pick up is at 1:15. On Friday there is no school to start Spring Break.
Spring Break
Our Spring Break is Friday, March 17 - Friday, March 24. School resumes on Monday, March 27.
Writing: Students will be doing the Informational On-Demand writing assessment on Monday. They may bring resources to use to help write their text. Attached is the parent letter with details about the On-Demand. Student are bringing home a paper copy of the letter this weekend. We will be writing arguments and analysis next.
Math: The students have been working so hard on understanding new concepts with fractions. This weekend they will have multiplying fractions by whole numbers. On Monday they will take the test for fractions. Tuesday we will begin decimals.
Social Studies: We have completed our thematic unit on Westward Expansion. In preparation for our Jefferson City trip, we will be studying government and the Scott Joplin case.
Science: After Spring Break students will be doing their last Science unit of the year - Rocks & Minerals. Mrs. Shockley will be their teacher for this unit.
Dates to Remember:
3/14 & 3/16 Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences
3/16 Early Release Day
3/17-3/24 Spring Break
3/27 School Resumes
3/30 Jefferson City field trid
4/4 Election Day - NO SCHOOL for students
4/7 FGC Principal & Counselor visits OB's 4th Graders
4/17-4/21 Scholastic Book Fair
4/24-4/28 MAP Testing
4/25 OB Art Show & Open House
Thank you for all you do to support 4C. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend!